The misconception is that one's career path is a straight line. From A to B. From school to job to retirement. This is a career myth that has deep roots and must be challenged.
The more traditional career path is that there is no traditional path. Everyone has a different journey. Everyone finds their way on their terms. The goal of Your Future: Make it Your Own (YF:MIYO) is to give students tools, information, and resources that will help them identify their strengths and abilities, and uncover their passions and interests, to help them find a meaningful career.
Essentially, identify what they're good at, what they like, and how they can get paid for it.
Select one of the career paths to learn more about opportunities and resources.
Higher Education
Higher education is still the "traditional" path to a career (with almost 44%* of students expected to pursue higher education), but the higher education landscape has transformed in the last five years.
There are now online options, 2-year options, 3-year options, hybrid, remote, F2F, IRL, and all different types of learning environments.
The region supports over 40,000 students and over 200 credentialed programs, and more, to help students pursue their passions, interests, and thirst for learning.
The Northeast Indiana Colleges and Universities network is a collaborative effort among 10 unaffiliated higher education institutions.
This unique consortium is designed to ensure that employers considering a relocation or expansion in Northeast Indiana have access to the talent they need.
* data from 2022 Northeast Indiana Works survey of 374 middle and high school students in our region.
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Look at the sliders to review this career path to see if it makes sense for your situation, needs, and wants.