
Your Future: Make It Your Own (YF: MIYO)

Your Future: Make It Your Own (YF:MIYO) was created to help educate, empower and expose northeast Indiana’s future workforce to the breadth and depth of career opportunities available within our region and to guide middle school and high school students, along with parents/guardians and educators, to envision a future from new perspectives.

Rooted in research and backed by the close collaboration between our partner organizations, our mission is to provide valuable resources and tools to directly inspire students to explore options, identify skills, discover what they’re good at, and turn those skills and passions into a successful road forward. Whether it’s higher education, industry-recognized certifications, internships, full-time employment or anything else, we are dedicated to sharing our vision of the many choices available for a successful future—right in our own backyard.

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

Albert Einstein